Exam + Guide Choices

Use this page to select exams and guides that you are buying for a group, or on behalf of someone else. Once purchased, our team will send you instructions for candidates to register for the exam and begin using the relevant Guide on our LMS if purchased.

If you have a discount code, you may enter it during the checkout process.

Certified Alzheimer Caregiver (CAC)
Exam Only

$165 each
Certified Alzheimer Caregiver (CAC)
+ Alzheimer Caregiver Guide

$264 each
Alzheimer Caregiver Guide
Guide Only - no Exam
Certified Alzheimer Educator (CAEd)
Exam Only
$365 each
Certified Alzheimer Educator (CAEd)
+ Alzheimer Educator Guide 
$564 each
Alzheimer Educator Guide
Guide Only - no Exam